Saturday, September 5, 2009

Coconut-Lime Rice

What you need...

The rice on bed of greens and topped with Quorn.

Thank you to my my beautiful and talented friend Amba for the inspiration for Coconut-Lime Rice. I started with (of course..what else) my basic white rice and added the coconut and lime. I put the rice on top of a nice bed of organic spinach and topped it with Quorn that had also been cooked in EVOO, lime juice and coconut. The boys were just "ehh" about it but Scott and I loved it.

What you need..
1 C white rice
1/4 C orzo
1/2 stick butter
Juice and zest of 1 med lime
1 C sweetened coconut

Melt half stick of butter in 350 degree oven and coat 1/4 C Orzo. Add rice, 1 C coconut, juice and zest of one med lime and 3 C boiling water to orzo. Cook for 30 mins at 350. Add salt to taste.

I would like to add this. Quorn is a microprotein, like mushrooms. It tastes a lot like chicken. A whole lot. In fact, the first few times we had it, Scott had a hard time eating it b/c it reminded him so much of chicken. People always like to joke about vegetarians that eat "stuff" that looks and tastes like meat products. Make no mistake here...not all vegetarians are vegetarians b/c they don't like the taste of meat. The reasons someone is or becomes a vegetarian varies from having the knowledge about how animals are "processed" to the ethical, environmental or health issues that surround the consumption of animals. It may be one thing, it may be a combination. Taste is not usually high on the list of reasons most vegetarians. Just wanted to be clear.

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